Today we all made paper helicopters and did tests and races to see who's one was better. For yours to be the better one would have to stay up in the air the longest. We kept on doing that to each other and friends. It was cool to have them flying around because they sometimes landed on peoples heads. Have you ever tried to make one?. This is how to make one.
With some strips of paper and a few paper clips, you can create a mini papercopter that spins like a real helicopter.
What You'll Need:
- Strips of heavy paper or cardboard (1X10 inches)
- Small paper clips
- Markers or crayons
How to Make Papercopter:
Step 1: Fold a 1X10-inch strip of paper in half. Fold the ends down about two inches, but don't fold them straight down. Instead, fold them at a slight angle.

Step 2: Push a paper clip onto the bottom, and fold the wings out. Decorate your papercopter with markers or crayons. Holding your papercopter by the paper clip, throw it into the air and watch it spin.
Keep reading to learn how to make a twirling helicopter.