Monday, 16 March 2020

Science road show

The year 5 & 6's went to a science road show the colours were once all purple red cabbage juice. The person is talking about how he mixed these things and how they changed different colours. has anyone tried this before?.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Oscar,
    Well done on posting such a fantastic blogpost about the Science RoadShow!
    The image you have incorporated is so cool, and I really like how the photo has been taken so we can see all of the equipment the man used sitting on his desk!
    You mentioned something about the colours once all being purple cabbage juice. What do you mean by this?
    You also mentioned how the person mixed some things together and you got to watch them change colours. What things did he mix together, and low long did it take for the reaction to occur?
    It would be awesome if you could reply to this comment and let me know!
    Science is such a cool subject to learn at school, and my favourite part of science was always making the predictions about what will happen during an experiment. There is something so fun and exciting about guessing what might occur, and watching it with your own eyes to see if you were correct.
    Have you ever made a prediction before?
    If so, what was it about and did your prediction come true?
    Do you enjoy taking science at school?
    Keep up the great work!
    Nga mihi


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful comment.