Wednesday, 18 December 2019

2019 SLJ

I was brave to shoot a sniper because I was scared I would've fell and it would hit metal and hit me.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

2019 SLJ

If I landed on the moon it probably feel lighter then walking on earth, more claustrophobic because I'd have to were a suit to breath in space and to eat it would be hard.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Oscar pet day 2019

facts about squirt she bites you when you have your finger in front of her mouth because she thinks it's food. If you pick her up she'll try to escape and she will use her claws. When she scratches you it hurts like being bite from a tarantula and when she bites you it hurts like being bite by a snake.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

SLJ 2019

My friend Leon is proud and happy for getting two Milo morning tea's in a row. Milo morning tea is a prize that you get if you show all of our school values and Milo means hot chocolate.

SLJ 2019-water project

Have you heard about the water project?. The water project is trying to let everyone have access to clean water some people don't have water they have to look for water. There water isn't clean water they look for pond and the water is bad it can make you sick. If they wait for rain they will get clean water and put in barrels to drink out of.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

SLJ 2019 teaser-mihi

Today we were doing a tiny mihi and I drew my mountain and river.

Monday, 9 December 2019

2019 SLJ

Today we have been doing SLJ-teaser we have been doing facts of Lorde.