Wednesday, 18 December 2019
2019 SLJ
I was brave to shoot a sniper because I was scared I would've fell and it would hit metal and hit me.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Monday, 16 December 2019
Oscar pet day 2019
facts about squirt she bites you when you have your finger in front of her mouth because she thinks it's food. If you pick her up she'll try to escape and she will use her claws. When she scratches you it hurts like being bite from a tarantula and when she bites you it hurts like being bite by a snake.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
SLJ 2019
My friend Leon is proud and happy for getting two Milo morning tea's in a row. Milo morning tea is a prize that you get if you show all of our school values and Milo means hot chocolate.
SLJ 2019-water project
Have you heard about the water project?. The water project is trying to let everyone have access to clean water some people don't have water they have to look for water. There water isn't clean water they look for pond and the water is bad it can make you sick. If they wait for rain they will get clean water and put in barrels to drink out of.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
Monday, 11 November 2019
This is Tynker. I made a changing colour rainbow. That is the small picture I made with Cody the person in Tynker. it's a rainbow circle. I improved it but I'll show you later. this is what I used to create it. but I didn't do all of it because we wouldn't of be doing this without Mr Kinane. he gave us challenges I did do one but it was different.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Calendar art
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Chip Math
First we grabbed our every day book.
Then we had to make a graph.
Then we asked the teacher if we could have a packet of chips.
Fourth thing we had to do is count the chips and use tally marks.
Then we had to do a google sheet of how many we got.
Then after that we did this on the screen.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Park haiku
This is a haiku poem that I made.Two of the lines had to have 5 syllables and 1 had to have 7 syllables.We had to make a picture.The pictures had to match what are poems said like this one.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Red Colour Poem
We had to start by naming things that was the colour that we chose. We could choose what colour we want and I chose red. After we chose our things that had the colour that we chose we had to turn it into a jpeg after that we had to choose to do wevideo or animoto. I chose to do wevideo. We had to upload the pictures and make a movie out of them.
Monday, 2 September 2019
In this picture the class and me are doing Tynker. We are coding to make a face I have not made a face because I didn't know how to get on but at the end I got on.To make the face the class and me had to choose a colour so we could see the face.The class and me started with the colour white so we had to change the colour.The class and me had to use the pen because there was no other way to do it.It was hard because we had to cod the pen

Thursday, 22 August 2019
Monday, 5 August 2019
Melted Wax Art
I really liked to do the clown art because you got to paint your clown the colours that you wanted it to be. My clown colours were red, green, blue, white, green, yellow, purple, pink and orange. We had to melt the crayons.We used brushes to paint our clowns.We put our colours in a muffin container. To melt the crayons we used electric frying pan. Before we could do are clown we had to practice our clown art.
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Term 2 reflection
I like p.e because some games teach you how to kick,throw and catch. I enjoy it because it is fun to learn to throw and catch my next step is kicking. I am good at drawing because I can draw lots of things like dragons, monsters, trees and rainbows I draw a lot of it in my own time. I need to work on reading because sometimes I get muddled up and don't know what some words. My favourite is art because we made a clown and then you colour it in with melted crayons. I enjoy it because you get to choose what colour you want it to be. The colours I used were orange, dark blue, dark red, yellow, white and blue. I didn't like math because it was hard because we had to do fractions we also had to tell the fractions.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Seeing Eye to Eye or Not
Why does the farther hate television?
Why did the girls vote for the farther instead of television?
They always used computers instead of calling them on there phones?
Why did the princable try to ban a game just because they got grazes and bruises?
Why did the kid agrue with the princable so he could keep the game up and running and the game is called Bullrush?
Why did the farther turn off the tv?
Why did the girl like the show she was watching just before her farther could turned it off?
Why did the boy have food and a drink close to his computer?
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Maths Activity
Tidal Zones
My explanation is that fishes are at the bottom and starfish are at the bottom. There are clams are in the middle. At the top there crabs and it is hot and barnacales are at the top.
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